Sunday, October 16, 2011


This week in Haiti...
The first thing we would like to report is that we saw a man come to Christ this week. This is what we are working every day for. Not just to make sure people get fed, or kids get to school, or babies don't die, or girls don't get abused, or orphans don't get forgotten... but we work every day to see the name of Jesus be made famous in this country. And that happened for one man this week.

On Monday we took KenKen and his parents to the AIDS hospital to get their HIV test results. His dad got his paper first: HIV negative. Then KenKen's retest: HIV positive. At this point we began thinking [and hoping] that maybe KenKen got it from a blood transfusion he received in the hospital. Then KenKen's moms results: HIV positive. When they showed us [Michelle, Kessy, and I], our immediate conclusion was that this man was not and could not be the father of KenKen. We prepared for an outburst when he realized it. But we looked to him to see his reaction, and he was smiling with tears in his eyes. He simply stated, "It's a miracle, and by the Grace of God, I have been spared." We just stood there, flabbergasted. The very next thing out of his mouth was this: "I want to accept Jesus as my Savior." Whaaaaattt?? We hadn't even personally mentioned Jesus to this man yet [although he was aware that we are a Christian organization]. We dropped everything [except KenKen of course] and circled up in prayer right there in the middle of the hospital, and KenKen's dad declared Jesus as Lord of his life.
KenKen and his Daddy
It was an amazing thing to see how God works. This seemed like the most terrible situation from the beginning, mostly because we know that KenKen is most likely going to die, sooner rather than later. But in the Bible in Ecclesiastes 3:11 God promises, "He makes everything beautiful in its time." We now know this to be true. We watched God make something beautiful from what was dust before. Praise Him!

Also this week Chadasha was incredibly blessed by the presence of two families who are adopting from Little Hands & Feet. Many of you know the twins, Ruth & Naomi, that we have had for some time. They turned 1 in July, but they are still teeny tiny little girls. Their Daddy got to come and visit them for a few days this week while completing some paperwork for their adoption.
the girls and their daddy!
The other family that came to visit are adopting a son who is new to Chadasha's Little Hands & Feet. Meet Rowen and his beautiful parents, Payton and Heather.
Rowen's birth parents have both passed away [most likely from cholera] and he is now staying at Chadasha's Little Hands & Feet for the duration of his adoption process. He just turned a year old, and is absolutely precious.

In addition to Rowen, we gained another little girl at Little Hands & Feet this week. Her name is Carline and she came to us from a very dangerous and abusive tent. It took her a few days to warm up, and she is still a bit timid, but she is getting more comfortable at Little Hands & Feet. She has managed to find a best friend there:
Danisa & Carline!
The other exciting event this week actually happened today! The children old enough to go to school [which they start next week] went to church at Pernier for the first time! They were ecstatic to be getting out of the house and going to church. We took them with us under the impression that they would go to Sunday school and then Children's Church while we went to the main service. However, upon arrival at Pernier we learned that Children's Church starts NEXT Sunday... so 3 of our American Chadasha staff and 10 kids plus 2 babies piled into a pew where we attempted to keep them quiet and still for the 2 hour service. It really didn't go as horribly as you would think.... they are great kids!
all the kids waiting on church to start!

Along with these happenings, we celebrated a few Chadasha family birthdays this week as well. The weather has been still not as hot as it usually is, but the rain has slacked off a bit. We were only delayed 4 hours by it this week :) Haiti desperately needs some form of drainage system. We thank you for your continued prayers and support, and hope you'll check back next Sunday to read about what God does this week!

Prayers from Haiti!

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