Sunday, December 4, 2011


Outside of our Guest House here in Haiti there are random cows always roaming. We've no idea who they belong to, and have been warned that if we mess with one we will definitely find out. So, we choose to remain unaware of the owners :) The cows eat the grass and stand in the road and moo periodically, just kinda mosey around like cows do. They mean different things to different people... visitors are amazed that they are just walking around and think they're hilarious. Our drivers get frustrated because sometimes it takes getting out of the car and running at them to make them get out of the driveway. And we with the more whimsical hearts get overly excited when we see a new calf has been born.

The new calves are almost always brown with a white spot on their forehead. We can tell they are brand new to this earth because their spots are bright white, indicating that the Haitian dust hasn't had time to tarnish them yet. It appears that once they have been around for a few hours, the dust has turned their spot and it is more of a greyish, no longer looking extra clean and spotless. We are learning as a ministry that we, too have a bright white spot that we call our soul. And the brokenness of this world and the sin in our hearts tarnish it on a daily and hourly and secondly basis. But praise the Lord that He washes us bright and clean and good as new every single time we ask for forgiveness. We never have to live with a greying soul, because His promise is clear:
Though your sins are like crimson, they shall be washed white as snow.   Isaiah 1:18

We have been learning this daily together, and are striving to show other people what an amazing promise this is. Thank God that we have this promise to cling to, otherwise our life would be hopeless and our efforts all in vein.

This week we celebrated a literal miracle from God. Many of you remember Baby KenKen who we have been looking after. He is almost 1 year old and has been battling AIDS his entire life. He has been in and out of the hospital for months, and just a few weeks ago I wrote that it looked as though his life was nearing the end. We began praying for his mother and father, for comfort and peace and a quick passing with little suffering. God reminded us how little faith we have when, to our absolute surprise, KenKen was discharged from the hospital on Thursday! He has gained weight, and is actually smiling, laughing, cooing, and attempting to stand on his own with little assistance. It is literally a miracle, and we have been so amazed at all God has taught us through KenKen's life. Thank you for your prayers!

Another praise story: Our 5th and final heart patient has returned from Santiago, healthy and happy!! That means all of our children came through the lifesaving surgeries and will be forever changed because of the people that God put in their lives. We are so thankful that we as Chadasha were given the opportunity to show them and their families the love and healing power of Christ! Praise God!

Our English and Bible classes have continued, and Chadasha's Little Hands and Feet is doing great as well. We as a ministry are being led by the Lord to TRUST Him to do things that we cannot do ourselves. We are learning that it is only when we trust God to provide something that we cannot obtain oursleves that He shows us His faithfulness in providing for us. We cannot know His love and mercy until we NEED His love and mercy. We invite you to reevaluate with us what Faith really means, and if you are anything like us, when you start trying to identify what you are actually trusting God to do today [with no plan of how to carry it out yourself "just in case"] you may learn, as we did, that you are way off target and really need to get back to genuinely trusting in the Lord.

Thankful this week for truth revealed, hearts healed, and God's glory proclaimed!

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