Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Update from Santiago

Hello everyone! The weekends in Santiago are pretty chill due to the fact that they don't perform surgeries on Saturday or Sunday. Perfect time for our staff there to get some pictures taken and perfect time for us to update you on the AMAZING things our God is doing in the lives of these children.

First of all, great news! Eveder has been discharged from the hospital and is back at the apartment until Friday when he will go back for a checkup, and then if all is well he will be ready to go back to Haiti, good as new!
Eveder with his caregiver, Bethsaida, and Houge at the apartment!
And now, more great news! Wadson is recovering beautifully in the recovery unit. He is also getting some great loving from Chadasha representative, Jenny, who got to be present in the OR during his surgery! :)
Wadson and Jenny before surgery!
Wadson and Jenny after surgery!
The two children, Joseph and Edna, who are still in Haiti are still trying to get to Santiago in time to have surgery. By the time most children with heart defects find Chadasha and the ICHF, they don't have much time left unless they receive surgery as soon as possible. It is so vital that those kids get to Santiago... please pray with us that this can be accomplished early next week.
This is 15 year old Edna who is waiting patiently at the Guest House
A huge shout out to Kessy and Jenny, Chadasha staff who are in Santiago taking care of these kids and their families during this crucial time. They are also the ones who are supplying these pictures :)
Kessy showin off his Haiti swag at the hospital
And finally, our list of prayer partners is growing! We currently have people praying from:
-Lawrenceburg, TENNESSEE
-Pierre Part, LOUISIANNA
-Baton Rouge, LOUISIANNA

Don't forget to leave a comment here or on facebook to let us know where you are praying from

** Most recent prayer request: Kessy has a terrible tooth ache. Please pray for complete healing so he can finish the job God has ordained for him in Santiago!


  1. Prayers from Huntsville, Alabama coming your way!

  2. Prayers from Murfreesboro, Tennessee

  3. Prayers from the Breedloves in Spring Hill, TN too!

  4. We are praying from Commerce Georgia

  5. We are praying from Commerce Georgia

  6. We are praying from Commerce Georgia
